The Hyperconnected Forest – At the Heart of Invisible Alliances

Francis Martin
Amphitheater of ENSAD Dijon

From the primary forests of Yunnan to our cultivated forests, Francis Martin, research director at INRAE in Nancy, will reveal how scientists are uncovering the secrets of an underground, invisible, and largely unknown world: the forest microbiome.

Each tree is a world-tree. Let’s discover how symbiosis, mutualism, and networks of interdependence animate forests, how they weave connections between the world of trees and the realm of microbes. Let’s try to understand how living beings are interconnected within our forests. The symbioses between plants and fungi have shaped terrestrial ecosystems. These mutualistic associations open new horizons in our understanding of life and illustrate that it is also through cooperation between species that the ability to adapt can develop, especially in the face of challenges posed by climate change.

From the primary forests of Yunnan to our cultivated forests, Francis Martin, research director at INRAE in Nancy, will reveal how scientists are uncovering the secrets of an underground, invisible, and largely unknown world: the forest microbiome.

Francis Martin is invited by Carlos Castillo as part of the ARC Art and Anthropocene, history and future. He will be present in the afternoon of February 6th in the ARC Art and Anthropocene to engage with students.

The Speaker

Francis Martin is an emeritus research director at the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (INRAE) in Nancy. Francis Martin has been studying the relationships between trees and fungi for over 40 years. A pioneer in his field, he is now one of the world’s leading experts on the subject.

Practical information

Free conference, open to everyone.

External visitors: Reservation required using this form..

This conference will be followed by a Q&A session and a book signing of Francis Martin’s latest works, including La forêt hyperconnectée and L’Arbre-Monde.