Legal Notice

Publication and design

Publication Director

Amel Nafti, Director
ENSAD Dijon Art & Design
École nationale supérieure d’art et design de Dijon
3, rue Michelet, BP 22566
21025 Dijon Cedex France
+33 (0)3 80 30 21 27


ENSAD Dijon Art & Design
École nationale supérieure d’art et design de Dijon
3, rue Michelet, BP 22566
21025 Dijon Cedex France
+33 (0)3 80 30 21 27


Graphic Design: Studio Double
Development: Ahmed Ghazi

Intellectual Property

The entire website and each of its elements are subject to French and international copyright laws and broader intellectual property laws (including protection under copyright, database rights, etc.).

The use or reproduction of all documents published on this site is authorized exclusively for personal and private non-commercial use, provided that the content is respected (no modifications and the source is mentioned: “ENSAD Dijon – École nationale supérieure d’art et design de Dijon”).

Reproduction of this site, in whole or in part, notably by downloading, as well as any reproduction or use of photocopies for other purposes, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by Article L 335-2, in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any other use must be authorized in writing by ENSAD Dijon.
Requests for authorization should be addressed to ENSAD Dijon – École nationale supérieure d’art et design – 3 rue Michelet, 21000, France.

Website Terms of Use


The links provided to other websites are communicated for informational purposes only and do not engage the responsibility of ENSAD Dijon, neither with respect to the content nor the access conditions of those sites. Conversely, any person (individual or legal entity) wishing to create one or more links to any page(s) of this website must first inform the Director of Publication.

However, as a general rule, the following are allowed without prior explicit agreement: • Citation, respecting the moral rights of the author by indicating their name and the source. • The creation of a link, provided that this link opens a full page under the URL of this site in a new browser window.

This authorization does not apply in any case to websites that distribute content of a racist, pornographic, xenophobic, controversial nature, or, in general, content that could offend the sensitivities of the public.

Privacy Policy

Personal data collected on the website results from the voluntary communication of an email address when subscribing to the ENSA Dijon Newsletter. These data are intended solely for internal use. Under no circumstances will these data be transferred or sold to third parties.

In accordance with the French “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, modified by the law of August 9, 2004, every user has the right to access, rectify, modify, and delete their personal data. You can contact the responsible party to exercise this right at the following address: ENSAD Dijon – École nationale supérieure d’art et design – 3 rue Michelet, 21000 DIJON, France.


ENSAD Dijon – École nationale supérieure d’art et design makes every effort to ensure that the information published on the website is accurate and up to date. ENSAD Dijon reserves the right to correct the content of its website at any time and without prior notice. Due to potential updates, ENSAD Dijon cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, or completeness of the information made available on the website.

Therefore, ENSAD Dijon disclaims all responsibility: → For any damages resulting from a third party’s intrusion leading to changes in the website’s information, → More generally, for any direct or indirect damages, regardless of their cause, origin, nature, or consequences, resulting from access to or the inability to access the website, as well as any damage to users’ equipment, → For any interruption of the website or bugs.